Monday, May 7, 2012

Miller Lite Bottles????

Working at a Brew Pub is awesome sauce in a freaking can. We make amazing beer. I take great pride in the beer we have, and I love making suggestions to people who have never been to the bar before, and aren't sure what they should order. I'm even more happy when people like my suggestions. Here's what I don't love...we make amazing beer right? You should try some of it since you're coming to an actual Brew Pub, right? Apparently not. My most beloved conversations with people start out usually in this way:
"Hey guys, how's it goin'? Welcome to *Name of Restaurant*! My name's Hillary and blah blah blah blah blah, here's our beer list. Everything that's on this list here is delicious, and also on tap. Can I get you started with something to drink? If you have any questions about our beer list, I'd be happy to answer them for you."
"Oh thanks. I'm curious about this beer here." *customer then points to a beer on the list and usually has a hard time pronouncing the very simple name.
"Oh that one? That's actually one of my favorites, and it's one of our most popular beers here." I then go on to describe the flavor and the aroma of the beer, enumerating on it's many fine qualities. The customer listens patiently, nodding their head, seemingly excited.
"That sounds pretty good. What about this one here?" The customer has pointed at another beer on the list. Once again, like a badass beer connoisseur, I describe the beer in detail. The process of the customer asking me to describe the beer and me describing it then goes on for quite some time, until eventually I've described every single freaking beer on our list, despite the fact that we have very witty and detailed descriptions of each beer on the list (fancy that...). Finally, while my other tables are looking over at me, wondering where the hell their side of ranch is, the customer who I'm currently dealing with finally looks up at me and says, "Do you have Miller Lite in bottles?"
This is about the time when I'm mentally having a shit attack.
1. You've just walked into a Brew Pub. You knew that for a fact because it says that on the sign of the building.
2. You probably knew before asking me to describe every single beer on the list, that you were going to order a Miller Lite anyway.
3. You're a douche bag.
4. We have really fucking good beer, so just choose something on the list.
5. Miller Lite tastes like watered down piss.
6. I think Samuel L Jackson can explain how I'm feeling at this point better than I can:
*Side Note* I really love that there's now a meme for every situation in the universe. Just rolled out of bed and your dog crapped on your carpet and you stepped in it in your bare feet? It's cool bro, there's a meme for that.

Back to the story at hand. I seriously cannot stand it when someone asks me if we sell Miller Lite bottles. IT'S A BAR, YOU IGNORAMUS!! WHAT BAR DOESN'T SELL MILLER LITE?!?!

And now here's another meme, which also expresses this post to a freakin' T:
That's all for now. I just had to share that small bit of wonder and joy.

-Bon Appetit Douche Bags

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